Record and share Voice notes only. Share privately to friends and publicly on your Timeline. Say whatever with Just Talk. Freedom of speech at it's finest form
you can, repost a public post (cast) if you please, you can reply a cast(post) if you please. If you really enjoy a post, you can be sure to give it a like to put a smile on the face of the caster.
Let people subscribe to your channel and listen to your 3 minues (max) long casts.
Imagine Your Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram Feeds contained only voice Recordings. That's Just Talk. Unlike twitter you don’t tweet, you make casts. You don’t read, You listen. You don't text, you JUST TALK
With Just Talk you can create a podcast in seconds. Upload your casts and watch your listeners increase. Add friends and send them direct messages that are automatically deleted after 24 hours regardless of whether they’ve been opened a not. A way to spot the naughty friends. You can change how you sound with a selection of voice filters. Just Talk is a social media app like no other.
This is only the alpha version so you wouldn’t need any followers to be heard neither would you need to follow anyone to listen to casts. However you’ll need at least one friend to upload a cast.
Say whatever, Whenever.
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